Thursday, May 14, 2015

Update Update Update!

Update Update Update!

Oh my goodness, my sincerest apologies for having been gone for over a YEAR. This has completely slipped my mind up until now. To make up for it I would like to give my 100% SPOIL-FULL review of the latest live-action superhero movie and the Netflix Original, Daredevil.

So, first off, Marvel's Age of Ultron. I have mixed feelings about this movie. Now, don't hate me, but this was definitely not one of my favored superhero movies. Well, for starters, it was pretty much ALOT of stuff to absorb. To say this was an 'action movie' would be an understatement. I feel as if it wasn't as developed as it could be. Not that the movie should be longer or anything, because trust me, I was ready to leave the theatre when it was over. My point is that they shouldn't have tried to stuff so much in there. I get that you already have the next like seven  movies already planned out, but you really should've put more thought into how the movie would flow, because this movie did not flow smoothly.

Another of my problems was the opening scene of the crew fighting in the forest. I thoroughly hated the animation for that. Does anyone remember baby Reneesme from Twilight? Yeah, not so pretty. Also about that scene there was a lot going on and tons of stuff that alludes to the fact that you've missed a pretty big chunk of the Avengers' story, Natasha's lullaby for example. A big letdown for me in this movie was the introduction of Magneto's kids, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. I absolutely LOVED Quicksilver in Days of Future Past (X-Men) and even though they changed actors on me and didn't even allude to Magneto even once, I still fell in love with the new Quicksilver. He had a very interesting story and could definitely develop into a major character given the chance. The only problem with that would be that they COMPLETELY KILLED HIM OFF IN A HEROIC BUT TRAGIC WAY. Like, seriously? You just introduced him to our world. He was gaining momentum and the hearts of the fans and you just kill him?! Not to be hateful of Scarlet Witch, but I would've felt much better if she had died in his place. Just saying.

Now that I'm done bad-mouthing the movie, it did have some pretty redeeming qualities. One would be the MAJOR development of Clint, a.k.a. Hawkguy. But, before I get to him, I must mention the around Natasha a.k.a. Black Widow. So, in Winter Soldier I was totally shipping Stevasha (the ship name for Steve Rogers-Captain America-and Natasha Romanov). Like, they could seriously work and she was definitely his type, considering she had nearly everything in common with Agent Carter (fabulous show btw-thnx to ABC). But in this movie, at Tony's party they didn't even hesitate when they completely shot Steve out of the picture. I was like, Are you kidding me? That's all you're giving me? You cannot be serious! So I was considering maybe they'd do a Clintasha. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved the whole, tough-girl-has-a-soft-spot-for-the-big-brute scenario (it's always been a dream of mine for Shayera Hol a.k.a. Hawkgirl to get with Grundy-see Justice League show, I'm not sure which one supports them since I was watching both at the same time but one of the two), but I kinda thought if they weren't going for Steve, then maybe the featured-in-all-the-shows-choice, Hawkguy. And then BAM! He's got a wife, kids, and another one on the way! Not to mention that they call her Aunt Natasha! Sure it was a startling surprise, but I kinda liked it. Like, suckerpunch to all you other Avengers who don't know crap! Haha! I also really enjoyed the whole Natasha-actually-trying-to-get-a-guy thing with Bruce Banner a.k.a. The Hulk/The Other Guy/The Big Guy. Their relationship was kinda hinted at throughout the first Avengers movie though, but it still blindsided me. Anyways, I think I've done quite enough for Avengers. I'm sure I've ranted enough haha!

Now, on to Daredevil. I have absolutely NOTHING bad to say against this show, and that's saying something I just hope they don't screw it up in season 2 like most do. So, I actually haven't finished it yet because I like to draw things out so I won't be in complete suspense for an entire year, or however long they decide to wait until season 2 comes out, but I think I'm pretty far in enough to know what I'm talking about.

One thing I love about this show is how they set it up. I love Netflix in that you don't have to wait an entire long, excruciating week until the next episode comes out after continuously particularly painful cliffhangers, like some shows. All 13 episodes are all laid out for you right then and there. Now, for those of you who haven't seen the show yet may be thinking, Only 13 episodes? Who can be satisfied with that? But those of us who have seen it, know that it is enough, considering that each episode is ONE HOUR LONG. Like I LOVE whoever came up with that. Please, make more shows like that. The world would be much better off that way, trust me. Also, another TOTALLY AWESOME AND CONSIDERATE thing about this show is that they have an extra feature. So, I like to watch my shows with captions since I occasionally miss a word or two in my excitedness and yelling at bad/stupid characters. When I was looking at the HUGE variety of languages the show is available in, I noticed that they had one for the blind, which is somewhat ironic considering the main character of the show is blind himself. It has the regular actors speaking but it also tells what movements they make and all that fun stuff we never even think about since we have eyes. This show really shows you that not everyone depends on sight and believes the saying 'seeing is believing' and all the other variations of it. The blind are in another world of their own that is much deeper than our own, or at least that's what I get from Daredevil. BTW, they really figured out how to make what would seem a somewhat unattractive quality something absolutely amazing. Matt Murdock, a.k.a. Daredevil is AWESOME and absolutely GORGEOUS! Haha!  Now, I won't spoil too much for Daredevil, but I certainly love his nemesis-Wilson Fisk. Both Matt and Fisk when seen by themselves, make themselves look like the good guy and you want to root for them, well for me anyways. I especially love that Fisk is an art lover! I guess maybe one bad thing, if you could call it that, is it's rating-MA. I can COMPLETELY AGREE with this when I see stuff like Fisk bashing someone's brains out. Like, this is hardcore gore. Seriously. This show is not for he faint of heart. But besides this, I am in love with this show through and through.

Now I will leave you with a list of all the other shows and stuff I've been watching during my "break":

Marvel's Agent Carter (ABC)

Marvel's Agents of Shield (ABC)

Constantine (NBC)

Young Justice (Netflix-not an Original, but that's what I watched it on)

Arrow (CW)

The Flash (CW)

DC's Legends of Tomorrow (coming soon to CW)

Gotham (NBC)

and I believe that's it for the superhero stuff :)

I hoe you enjoyed my update and I'm hoping that I update more regularly or something like that haha. I made this extra long just in case it'd be another while. Have fun with these shows you guys, I certainly did!

May you dream of Batman :) Da-na-na-na-na Da-na-na-na-na BATMANNN!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Robin, Captain America & Flash

Robin, Captain America & Flash

Hihi! So, topic number one: Robin. I'm assuming you've all have seen Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and have all noticed the not-so-subtle hintings of Robin and his identity (BTW if you're a blonde: the police guy=Robin) and I'm just wondering-what the heck are they gonna do about that 'little' nugget when they're doing this whole "We are changing the face of Batman. It's becoming revolutionized. Nothing will ever be the same again," stuff? I mean come on! You already tied him to the Christian Bale Batman in D.K.R. (Dark Knight Rises) and Catwoman?! All this great stuff going to waste. Seriously DC, Marvel's already doing hit after hit at least 3 or 4 times a year. They've got everything going for them. Everyone knows deep down in their hearts that DC has all the 'greats' but you gotta give us something. Yeah, you've still got Superman, Wonder Woman, Arrow and Flash and the minors, but you know what we want and you're taking forever to give it to us. We want Justice League really soon. Something to rival The Avengers. Let's face it. We all know the Justice League team is kinda better than the Avengers team. There's my input. Aaand topic number two: Captain America *spoiler alert*. Just saw the movie on Saturday and it was awesome! Steve Rodgers was always the good soldier-always did what he was told. Now, when he finds out the ones giving orders has been corrupted, his world is crashing down around him. No one to trust except Natasha Romanov/Black Widow, Samuel Wilson/Falcon, Maria Hill and Director Fury. Some old skeletons came out of the closet in this movie and shocker bad guys you never expected to be head honcho. Steve got to see his 'in another life' love Peggy Carter (though that scene was pretty sad), and *final warning for those who chose to ignore the former spoiler alert* best friend Bucky/Winter Soldier. So basically Captain America: Winter Soldier the movie turned a 22 min. episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (cartoon show) into a 2 and a half hour movie. Huh. Okay then. Oh, and one of my absolute favorite actors of all time made an appearance which nearly had me squealing-Emily VanCamp (main character in show-Revenge). Oh and topic number three: Flash. A show for him on CW will be a spin-off to Arrow, starring Grant Gustin as Flash who already appeared on Arrow episode 207 or 208. It's release date is sometime this year, unlike the movie which is gonna be sometime in 2016. Oh, and I just checked the release date for Justice League (movie) which is sometime in 2017-yipee, another long wait. Also there's no release date yet for the Wonder Woman movie with Gal Gadot. Well, I have to go but I wanna leave you with this list of Marvel movies on one of the awesomest websites, although be warned, not all of the movies are listed:

May you dream of Batman :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

My Formal Introduction

My Formal Introduction

So, I just want to start of saying the one word I use the most: Hi!
Welcome to my blog and thanks for picking this, out of probably hundreds of other superhero blogs. I decided to start this blog so I can keep track of all my superhero findings. I am a fan of both the Marvel and DC Universes. I am not one of those die-hard fans that know every friggin' thing about everything, I just touch the bases, not fully inspect them, so please, no criticism~I'm not saying I know everything, or anything for sure. Just sayin'. I must say though that I will always love Batman/Bruce/Christian first and foremost, although I may say 'Oh, Green Arrow is sooo hot' or 'Superman is the hottest superhero there is', know that I am leaving the whole 'Batman tops you all, in everything' an understatement. I am gonna say it now, that I am strongly against the new actor for Batman~I mean, he's good and all, but Christian Bale, well, he is Batman, and will always be Batman, now and forever my darlings. Now, that we got that out of the way, I need you to know that the superheroes who are so predictable and the most well-known, are most likely not one of my favorites, like say Superman~I love his story, I acknowledge that he is a total and utter beast, and that he (Henry Cavill) is undeniably gorgeous, but he just doesn't have that special place in my heart. Sori. Anyways, hope you enjoy my darls (my abbreviation for darlings) and know that I am giving you a huge, massive welcome-to-the-superhero-fan-clan-I-love-you-so-much hug as you are reading this :) Enjoy!

~May you dream of Batman :)