Friday, March 21, 2014

My Formal Introduction

My Formal Introduction

So, I just want to start of saying the one word I use the most: Hi!
Welcome to my blog and thanks for picking this, out of probably hundreds of other superhero blogs. I decided to start this blog so I can keep track of all my superhero findings. I am a fan of both the Marvel and DC Universes. I am not one of those die-hard fans that know every friggin' thing about everything, I just touch the bases, not fully inspect them, so please, no criticism~I'm not saying I know everything, or anything for sure. Just sayin'. I must say though that I will always love Batman/Bruce/Christian first and foremost, although I may say 'Oh, Green Arrow is sooo hot' or 'Superman is the hottest superhero there is', know that I am leaving the whole 'Batman tops you all, in everything' an understatement. I am gonna say it now, that I am strongly against the new actor for Batman~I mean, he's good and all, but Christian Bale, well, he is Batman, and will always be Batman, now and forever my darlings. Now, that we got that out of the way, I need you to know that the superheroes who are so predictable and the most well-known, are most likely not one of my favorites, like say Superman~I love his story, I acknowledge that he is a total and utter beast, and that he (Henry Cavill) is undeniably gorgeous, but he just doesn't have that special place in my heart. Sori. Anyways, hope you enjoy my darls (my abbreviation for darlings) and know that I am giving you a huge, massive welcome-to-the-superhero-fan-clan-I-love-you-so-much hug as you are reading this :) Enjoy!

~May you dream of Batman :)

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